Protect Your 2020 Vision

  Hey Family!
   Would you be content with having a blurry vision? I have not known anyone that would be.  Glasses, contact lenses, surgery, eye drops, special vitamins and other visual aids, all represent a multi-billion dollar vision care industry. People want 20/20 vision; they want to clearly see!

   This time of year, with resolutions and renewed personal commitments being pledged, I hear the following question more than at any other time:

What am I supposed to be doing with my life?

   The pain from constantly bumping into things that hurt them; the frustration of stumbling around as if in the dark; extreme exhaustion from spinning their wheels is what often provokes them to ask that question.  They lack a vision for their personal lives.
Among other things, degenerative diseases, industrial accidents, and birth defects cause reasons for vision impairment or loss.  But, what if your vision was worsening because of unhealthy foods and snacks that you eat?  Though inconvenient to your lifestyle and perhaps very distasteful to your preferences, in order to protect your vision, would you be willing to make the necessary change and obey the dietician and doctors’ orders?

   Through clearly written instructions and divine ability that money can’t buy, in the person of the Holy Spirit, we have a clear vision for what we are supposed to be doing with our lives and are able to confidently live it out.

          Jesus said unto him,

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like, unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

(Matthew 22:37-39, KJV)

Miraculously, all of the details of our lives flow into proper alignment from our demonstration of faith and trust in God, by obeying these verses; it also helps to keep us from a lot of needless pain, frustration and weariness.
It may be inconvenient to our lifestyle and perhaps distasteful but make the necessary change my friend and follow the instructions of our Creator and the orders of our Great Physician to protect your 2020 vision and beyond; rely on Him, obey Him, rest in Him. Grateful to God,

Ps. For those that know me well, yes, I have finally submitted and am using my reading glasses to compose this…LOL! May 2020 be your best year yet!